I revere our human propensity for exploration and discovery.  Drawing close to view these small images I find myself pulled inside and soon lost in the reverie of the new world before me.

I stabilize and orient myself with those elements that are familiar -- a suggestion of a mountain, a sea, or perhaps a distance horizon line beyond the broad plain.  And then the enigma of the unusual phenomena frequently seen in these environs piques my curiosity and sets me on a journey.

Some journeys can only be taken alone.  I may have traveled to this distant place with others, but now that I have arrived and stand overlooking the scene before me, I find myself enveloped in quietude.  Very much alone but not lonely.  Uncertain of where I am, but not lost.


A note on technique:  These images are created using a unique alternative digital process which combines pixel density maps from dozens of images.  I then refine the images further using standard digital development techniques.